Introduction to an aspiring journalist

Hello! My name is Dana Branham, and I'm from College Station, Texas. I'm in my final semester at OU (if all goes well!), and I'll be graduating with a degree in journalism and a minor in computational technology. I also am spending this semester as the enterprise editor of the OU Daily (I was the editor-in-chief last year, which was the best job ever) and as a reporting intern at Oklahoma Watch.

I think the coolest thing about what I do is that journalism is probably the most exciting, ever-changing industry to go into. Every day, I get to learn about new things and make that knowledge accessible to people around me.

I also love how many cool fields can intersect with journalism. For example, last semester I took a GIS class, where we learned to analyze data by creating maps. We learned to use the programming language R to do more heavy-lifting analysis, which I thought was so cool. I saw so many practical applications to learning map-making for journalism. Programming, too. I've taken a few programming classes at OU, but I haven't loved them. They've given me a solid foundation in programming basics, but I never felt like I was learning anything practical enough to apply to my field of interest. Over the summer, I took a free online course that taught Python specifically for data journalists, and I loved it. I learned to write code that helped me analyze data, explain my findings and publish that to the web.

This is me in August 2017.
Photo by Alexa Philippou, a fellow Cincinnati intern.
Over the summer, I was in Cincinnati doing an internship at the Cincinnati Enquirer. My internship was social media-focused, but I got to do quite a bit of reporting, which I love. One of the most challenging moments of the summer was covering a community gathering and subsequent funeral for Otto Warmbier, a University of Virginia student who had been detained in North Korea for over a year. I didn't know this at first, but Warmbier was from a small town called Wyoming, about 20 miles north of Cincinnati. He was released from North Korea in a coma, and died a few days after he got home. I was there, along with a lot of national and international media members, amid a grieving tight-knit community. I never expected to be able to cover something like that, but I hope I did it justice.

Aside from my journalistic endeavors, I'm also a just person! I love spending time with my family when I can be back in Texas and visiting my boyfriend when he's able to come back to Oklahoma or when I can make it out to Kentucky. I miss them (and my dogs, Scarlett and Rory) all the time. I love cozy coffee shops, stationery, pretty journals, candles and learning about fonts. I used to play the saxophone, but I haven't in quite a while. I've tried to teach myself guitar to no avail, but I do still listen to a lot of different types of music.

Last, I'm looking forward to this class — I haven't done any creative writing in a long time, so I'm excited for what's to come this semester.


  1. Hello Dana, it was interesting to hear about your experience as an intern. I've heard a lot about how North Korea operates and how it treats people in general, but I haven't really seen many articles that specifically talk about the victims. So it's nice to read those kind of articles every once in a while. Anyways, I hope everything goes well and you get to gradate this semester.

    1. Hi Colton! Thanks for reading. I really didn't know much about North Korea (or Otto Warmbier, for that matter) before that assignment. It can be pretty terrifying stuff. I hope your semester goes well! I look forward to reading your stories.

  2. Hi Dana! I never had any journalistic ambitions, but I am a news junky, so I like learning about the logistics of it. It's so vital that people be aware of what is going on in the world around them, so I have a deep appreciation for the people who do the work to make it happen. I read the article on Otto Warmbier. I thought it was a lovely article about a tragic event, and respectful tribute to his memory.

    1. Thanks so much for reading my story, Nancy! Especially in a time where it seems like more and more people hate journalists, I appreciate your taking the time to read and appreciate news. What are some of your favorite outlets to read?

  3. That is so cool about your computational technology minor, Dana! It doesn't take a lot of technical knowledge to do the kinds of things i do online, but that little bit of knowledge has taken me a long way, and has helped me to do things that could never really happen in a classroom. I saw you tweeting about that Python course this summer, and I think that's really the key: when you find something you can USE, where it changes what you do, see know... that's the kind of technology you will be able to learn in a deep way. And the saxophone: wow! Maybe you will get out your saxophone and record some soulful soundtrack to accompany one of your stories this semester. That is an instrument which really has a voice. There are these two remarkable sisters in India, The Saxophone Sisters ... here's a TEDx they did if you are interested (as you may have guessed from the class announcements I'm really interested in Indian music especially fusion and crossovers like this): Saxophone Sisters: M.S Lavanya & M.S Subbalaxmi at TEDxCoimbatore :-)

  4. Hey Dana! It seems you are really loving the path you are taking in journalism and that is awesome to see. Anytime I get to see something getting to do the things they love, well it doesn't get any better than that. I am excited to see what kind of creative stories have been stored away in your mind after all this time! I will definitely be checking out your page in the future and seeing what kind of twists you may have put on a tale.

  5. Hi Dana! I am jealous that you have a background in journalism that has always been my weakness. I enjoy being creative but I am not always as good at putting the ideas on to paper, so hopefully this class will help me. I think that is interesting that you had an experience like the one you talked about over the summer. Although it was a terrible situation you probably learned a lot from it and you were able to put yourself in the situation versus just hearing about it like the rest of America did. Have a good semester!

  6. Hi Dana! I love the way you set up your blog! It looks great! I also think it's super cool that you're already getting some great experience in a field that your really passionate about. I have to ask, is your dog Rory's name from Gilmore Girls? It's a favorite show of mine. I used to watch it with my sister and we both loved it. Anyway, I hope that this semester goes well for you and that you make it to graduation without any mishaps!

  7. Dana, I want to let you know that the way you have customized your blog is stunning. The way the white stands out on the gray background with the black strip at the top is sleek. Also, yes, Python is the best language and so easy to learn. I had a few projects given to me at my internship this summer, and I immediately loved Python so much more than the Java or C++ languages. I'm glad to hear you are a person apart from your journalism! That's celebration worthy. Not many people would say the same.

  8. Hi Dana! Two of my sorority sisters works for the OU Daily, Abby Bitterman and Caitlyn Epes. They really love it there and a lot of us started reading the OU Daily for their articles and pictures. It's really cool that you got to work for a paper in Ohio and cover such an amazing story.

    I also like taking classes that are semi-related to my major. I'm a psychology major but I've taken a few communication classes and I'm currently in intro to sociology. It's interesting to see some of the same theories that are big in psych be used in kind of a different context.

    Can't wait to get to know you more throughout this semester!

  9. Hi Dana! I think it is really cool that you taught yourself how to code this summer. I have also recently been learning how to code because of all the opportunities it presents. It is pretty incredible that you got to cover the Otto Warmbier story since it was a pretty big deal for awhile. It must have been a surreal experience for you that will always stick with you. I found it funny how you said you tried to teach yourself how to play the guitar because I have also tried multiple times and found that it is one of the most difficult things to learn without 100% commitment.

  10. Hi Dana! I did not know much about journalist, but after reading your introduction I learned a lot! I feel like the world needs incredible journalists to portray all the events society is unaware of. I feel as if it is a big job, but a fun job! You’re already doing so many cool things. I hope you keep us updated!

  11. Hey Dana! It is so awesome that you are a journalism major! My dad was actually a sports caster/director in Tulsa for 25 years, so I have been around journalists for almost all my life! I originally was a journalism major when I came to OU but I switched because I could never make a decision on what exactly I wanted to do with my life. I cant believe you got to cover the Otto Warmbier story. I had heard about it when it first happened and didnt hear much until they brought him back. It was such a sad story. I hope you have a great rest of your semester!

  12. Hi Dana!
    I really hope this semester goes the way you’re hoping. It sounds like you’ve had a lot of great opportunities to get a feel for your career. I enjoy writing, so your job is very interesting to me! Programming sounds difficult, but if it will give you a leg up in your career, all the power to you girl. I wish you’d included pictures of your puppies though. Seeing people's love for their pets always makes me happy.

  13. Hi Dana! That's so cool that you have been able to have some cool journalism opportunities before you've even graduated! I remember seeing that story in the news so that's so cool that you got to be a part of something like that. I'm sure it will impact your career for a long time to come. Also, the physical look of your blog is really awesome!! I hope you enjoy your last semester here and have a fulfilling career as a journalist!

  14. Hey, Dana!
    I saw that you will be graduating this semester - congratulations! Do you have any plans for the spring? I am kind of in the same situation, since I will be graduating in the fall as well. It's odd to be done then as opposed to in May, when most people will be finished. Could serve as a semester off before starting stuff in the real world, though! Great work on all of your journalism experience. Some of those stories sound pretty intense to cover, especially the one about the Virginia student detained in North Korea. I'm impressed that you were able to do that! Anyways, nice to meet you, and good luck with your last semester at OU!

  15. Hi Dana!
    First off I want to say congrats on graduating this semester! I think it is really cool that you were able to take a GIS course and see how it can apply to your career field! As a geophysics major we use GIS a lot, so it is really neat to see the other applications it can have! It must have been a really tough but important experience for you to cover Otto's return and eventual death. It is very important we have journalists to tell the trought about these things! I can't wait to read some of your stories :)

  16. Hey Dana,

    It's nice to meet you. I think it is really awesome that you are a journalism major. I like how you point out that journalism is such a versatile major, since your major can cover so many different subjects. Case in point: your computational technology minor. Looking from the outside, computational technology and journalism are so different, but the fact that you blend them together shows that you are able to use the two to better yourself as a learner. Good luck with the semester!

  17. Hello Dana!
    Congratulations on hopefully graduating this semester. I like that you take classes in different subjects to see if they can enhance you as a journalist. I am doing the same thing. My major is advertising but I am a professional graphic designer and photographer. Advertising will just make my knowledge base bigger. Gaylord is an amazing college and it seems like you have enjoyed it as much as I have.

  18. Dana,

    I'm so jealous that you're graduating this semester. That will be me next year, but I definitely have a severe case of Senioritis. Taking different classes to grow your journalistic skill is an awesome tactic. I would like to think of myself as a writer, and this semester, I'm taking a class on poetry writing because it's one of the areas in writing that I'm weak at. I have never been to Cincinnati, so it sounds like a lot of fun! Where do you plan on taking your journalism abilities when you're done with school? Hope you're having an awesome semester!


  19. Hi Dana!
    I really liked how you have designed and structured your blog! Also I think its really cool that you incorporated personal photos into your introduction. Further, congratulations on entering into your final semester at OU and I hope your journalism career goes well! I hope you have a great semester and I’m excited to further explore your blog for the duration of this course.

  20. Dana,
    I am glad you were able to learn the programming stuff for journalism, I am sure it will come in handy when you are looking for a job. I read the story you published over Otto Warmbier. I had heard the national news coverage, but did not pay attention to the information about his home life. You did a great job of telling his story in a respectful and informative way. You are already a great journalist and I am sure you will continue to grow. Good luck this semester.

  21. Hi, Dana! Congrats on this being your last semester. Journalism is a very important feature in today’s world, it helps keep the world connected and I’m glad that you enjoy it. The intersection with journalism is not something I had ever realized until now, that a really interesting concept. That internship must have been an interesting experience for you. I wish you luck for the remaining of this semester.

  22. Hi Dana!
    Wow, I felt like I have visited your page many times to read your stories, but it turns out I haven't been able to visit your page at all. Well, it was interesting to get to know a little more about you since we haven't seen each other in so long! I really love the photos you take, and am constantly looking at the photos you take of other people. You truly have a talent! I will definitely have to get in contact with you about my senior photos :-) I hope this semester has been treating you well! We're almost done!

  23. Hey Dana! I am sure that you have really enjoyed this class this semester since you love writing so much! I am also a little jealous that you are graduating soon. I graduate in May and I am definitely starting to get excited about leaving. I am a little tired with being in Norman... Good luck with your future endeavors!

  24. Hey there, Dana!

    I hope all is going well at this point in the semester. I am sure you are about to prepare for the upcoming finals in all of your classes. I think it is awesome that you are a journalism major. It appears that you are very passionate about what you do in the field. I think it is very admirable that you have such a genuine interest in what you are studying. I wish you the best of luck for the future, and I hope graduation goes very well!

  25. Hey Dana,
    It is great to meet you! It only took until the end of the semester! I hope your semester went well and your dead week is not super stressful. I think that your internship sounds really cool. That would be tough to cover a story like that but it really was a great piece that you wrote on the whole situation. Also I can relate to missing my family, I am from Colorado so I do not get to see my family that often. Anyways I hope you finish out your semester strong and Ace all of your finals!!


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